Enchantments: Framed Moments that Move Us

A Duet by Paul Finley and Patricia Smith

Paul Finley & Patricia Smith
Photo Courtesy Paul Joseph Brown

A Duet for Prose and Piano

Enchantments: Framed Moments that Move Us, is a series of vignettes that include encounters with the natural world—water, physics, fire—the medical world, and family, all told in a weave of words and original music.

Join us for a performance that echoes and celebrates the enchantments of ordinary life, and enjoy a reception afterward. Proceeds from the concerts will benefit Folio: The Seattle Athenaeum.


Thursday, October 3, 7-8pm, with reception to follow
Sunday, October 6, 3-4pm, with reception to follow


Folio: the Seattle Athenaeum,
93 Pike St #307, Seattle, WA 98101, USA
Pike Place Market, two floors above DeLaurenti’s.